What should I wear?

You may see someone dressed in a suit and tie and you may see another person wearing jeans and flip flops. Our desire is for you to be comfortable.


What time should I get there?

Sunday School begins at 9:30 am, Morning Worship at 10:45 am and Evening Worship is at 6:00 pm. Our Wednesday Night Kids & Youth Programs  are from 6-7 pm, Adult Bible Study is at 6:20 pm and Choir Practice at 7 pm.


What about my kids?

Classes are available for all children during 9:30 am. There is a Nursery available for infants to 4 years old during the morning worship at 10:45 am.


What can I expect in Worship?

The worship is traditional with a choir. More importantly than style is our desire for authentic worship that impacts each person at a personal level and calls us to an even greater commitment to Christ. Worship is first and foremost about God.


Will you embarrass me?

Once again we want you to be comfortable. You won’t be asked to stand up or anything like that.


How can I get more information?

Feel free to call us at 254-829-2321 or email at office@fbcgholson.org.

Service Times:


9:30 AM Sunday School Study

10:45 AM Worship 

6:00 PM Evening Worship


6:00 PM Kids Programs

6:00 PM Youth Group

6:30 PM Refuel for adults